About the Artist

โ€œThe purest and most thoughtful minds are those which love color the most.โ€ - John Ruskin

Like so many others with a passion my journey as an artist started as a child. Some of my earliest memories are making marks with water on โ€œmagicโ€ color changing paper and arranging beads in my preschool class to make my mom a necklace. My connection to nature also began in childhood and is deeply tied to my creative work. From my appreciation of the colors and textures on rocks I collected to the details of flower petals I would stop walking to look at, the I way experienced the earth was art. Everything around me was something magical with innate beauty and my way to express that was to create. Today my artwork is a continued exploration of viewing the world through the lens of my inner child, taking inspiration from the colors and patterns that surround us while experiencing joy in the creative process.

Paint became my favorite media in my teenage years. I instantly connected with the ability to create big sweeping movements and textures as well as mixing and blending colors. My love of paint and color has only grown since, leading me on a path to find work that fulfills that passion. My early 20โ€™s were spent teaching paint nights, entertaining and providing a memorable experience to groups while walking them step by step how to do a painting. Through teaching it became clear to me that I had to share my passion with others to feel fulfilled with my work.

Photo of me with a group I taught.

My favorite piece from when I started painting.

My love of color and experience teaching people led me into the world of house paint where I expanded my knowledge of paint and color on a more practical level. This is when I started to look at homes like big three dimensional pieces of art. Just like my artwork, a home is an expressive piece that needs a balance of light, contrast and color. Color can be used to evoke different emotions and guide the eye from one area of the home to the next with a palette that flows. Today I help clients find those perfect colors for them in their home by asking a variety of personal style questions while finding new patterns in the space they are in. I keep an awareness of trends in mind but it is most important for me to figure out what colors best make each person feel at home.

Currently with my art my main focus is on watercolors. I love how the media allows for me to experience a wide range of effects depending on the amount of water and pigments I use. Along with florals I have been focusing on flowing abstract landscapes. The organic nature of the media leads to so many beautiful and natural effects that I find fit perfectly for painting the outdoors. I also love to do pet paintings! It is a privilege to capture what people love most about their pets in a piece of artwork and I truly feel honored when given that experience. You can keep up to date with my most recent work by following me on social media.

In my personal time my partner Matt and I love to hike with our pugs, Gene and Birdie and play fetch with out cat, Mouse Man. My fur babies are the inspiration for my commissioned pet portraits as I know how important the love from a pet is and I want to help others celebrate their special family members. During the summer you can find me kayaking and camping along Missouri rivers. I also enjoy seeing live music. Whether itโ€™s seeing friends in local bands or traveling across the country for a show that I just canโ€™t miss, nothing is better than seeing music, dancing and laughing with people I love.